Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Blogging Begins!

Welcome to the PBCC golf blog! I feel honored to be considered a blogmaster, even though I am still not entirely sure what that means. As Max, Mark and I were thinking ahead to the  2011 season, the blog was born so that we may provide you with updates to the golf program, share some great stories, and offer an avenue for the exchange of ideas regarding golf at Pine Brook . Max did some really smart things from there to set up the site, and here we go. .

We are excited about the indoor training capabilities we will have this winter and have already started to schedule appointments. E mailing Mark or Keith will be the most efficient way to communicate regarding the winter program. Mark can be reached at and Keith at

Mark has had his surgery, and although still bed-ridden and complaining more than necessary, he is doing fine.  Max will be leaving for his winter assignment at the Adios Golf Club next week.

Remember the Golf Shop and driving range will close on November 14th. The golf course and bag room will remain open through the end of the month (weather permitting).

Feel free to comment on anything golf at Pine Brook, and for those heading to warmer climates, have a great winter!



Keith said...

The "Dream Green" is on the way for the winter golf. 3 feet by 12 feet with 50,000 breaks available.

golfmom said...

Dream Green sounds like a great way to stay in the golf mode during the cold winter months.

Anonymous said...

Tell them about your round(s) in Bermuda!

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